
With Love, From Me to You (Reader Love Part 2)

I love my readers.  Recently I promised that I’d chose one to profile on my blog from the people who liked a blog link I posted on FB.  I decided to write a note to every person who liked that link.  Here’s a about half of them.  If I forgot you, remind me!!  Pictures that make me laugh randomly inserted for your amusement.  Look at what I do for you.  What a charitable individual I am.  Dear God, send blessings.

Caroline B is the reason why this blog looks exactly the way I like it.  She’s a blog design wizard.

Jennie D became my surprise wedding dress picker-outter when I cornered she and the Circe crowd one random day in SLC.  Very pleased with her recommendation.

Rynna may be the brainiest woman I know.  I’m wordy, but this classy dame knows latin and rocks red lipstick.

Cicily is the only reason I would ever live in Petaluma again.  I miss you terribly.  Let’s go on a girl’s vacation (in our dreams).

I could say that Rachael C’s foremost talent is taking pictures, but I’ve seen her with Whit’s kids and she is an amazing auntie.  I want to adopt her.

Kirsten is one of my soul mates.  Once my VT by some divine providence she once sat down on my couch and told me the most unexpected inspiring story.  Kirsten is a picture of strength.

Anne, hooray!  You should follow everything Anne does online (fb, insta) because she loves herself and her life and says bad words.  Anne’s down-to-earth and says it how it is and has the most delicious baby in the world.  I know, I’ve snuggled him.

Cindy is an endearingly secret hippie, except she’s hot and takes showers.


Every time I run into Janie she already knows what’s up!  How do you remember all of us so easily?  Janie is one of those genuinely kind people who always knows the right thing to say.

Rachel LC, ohmygosh I’m excited for you to have your baby and then talk CamRom into doing the same.  Get on that, please.  Also, please tell me how to get in shape because I am so lazy.

Lisa Marie, just go for the weird hair for heaven’s sake.  You can totally rock it.  I know you have freaky hair inside just waiting to get out.

Al. How exactly did you accomplish a inter-state move with two weeks notice?  You’re a machine.  And I bet your house is more put together than mine after 6 months.  We’ve been friends for what, 12 years?  You think the neatness would have worn off. 

Cathryn, best photo of a kid invention ever!   The paci mits were hilarious.  Very resourceful.  I wish I could come hold baby Eleanor!

Emmy might be my oldest friend on this list.  Some day when Mimi is bossily directing plays in our neighborhood I will video tape them and send them to you.  And then Val will quit and cry.

Brittany, secretly I’m jealous that you get your mom all to yourself and I have to share mine with those other sisters.

Circe, I’m available on Sunday evenings for dinner, just saying.  I’ll invite you guys down some time.  Until then, your Instagramming recently has been excellent.

Court Was, see?  Everything turned out ok.  Bet you were worried for a few years there.  Was it you or your roommate who got rear-ended by a cop?

Lisa Can, how in the world do we know each other?  Mystery.


Kanad, uh dude, where are my knives?  Next time I’m in SF we shall dine somewhere unnecessarily pretentious and I will make awkward jokes about death to the waiter.

There are few lives that I’m genuinely envious of and one of those is Andrea’s.  Oh, you’re remodeling your house?  Well this amazing woman remodeled the bed and breakfast she owns in CAMBODIA.  What, YOU don’t have a friend who runs an international travel agency and bed and breakfast?  And that’s only a fraction of what she does. 

Victory, sometimes I see your fairies and rock collection posts on pinterest and I just have to chuckle.  You’re the paganist Mormon I’ve ever met and it’s fantastic.

Janelle W your life stresses me out because it reminds me of when I was in my first few years teaching.  It’s so hard but you make it look like a cakewalk.  I’m glad there were no pictures of me from that time because I was not capable of teaching full time AND being cute.


Allison sometimes I pretend I’m a twenty something San Francisco girl who goes out to fab places and dresses all chic, and then I realize I’m pretending to be you because you’re cool.  Also you go to a lot of weddings, have you noticed?

Tabitha, I remember when we were in class and you said something about Gossip Girl and I almost jumped for joy.  Why was that show so good?  We need to discuss the ending.  I was satisfied but I thought Serena’s dress was lame.  I’m Chuck Bass.

Mary FD, I think it’s weird that we don’t know each other IRL because we’ve been blog friends since forever.  I suggest that Ally B remedy this next time I’m in SF.

Kwynn, if life was a badass contest you would be winning it.  Yes people, one of my friends does Roller Derby AND dressed as Francis to her baby’s PeeWee for Halloween.  This is qualification for permanent badass status.  I wonder what you’ll be doing when you’re sixty. 


Lovely Susannah (great family, yes. amazing photographer, yes.  killer wedding, yes.) but let’s talk about your perfect hair.  You have Disney princess perfect long cascading straight blonde hair.  The rest of us can’t keep up.  It’s gorgeous.

Krista Krista Krista, you’ve always been so effervescent.  I remember you chatting and giggling til all hours of the night at Girl’s Camp.  AND you have beautiful babies.  I hope you go for like eight.

Mard-A the Hard-A another soul sister.  Why can’t we be sister wives?  Mardee and I had our first three kids the same years.  I want to live next door to you, but not in Bentonville.  If I hear of you coming to Utah and not seeing us I will cry myself to sleep.  Yes, we will be here. 

Jen once sent me a unicorn card that sang for no reason whatsoever.  It was a hit and made a very hard week into a more magical one.  Can you please teach me how to raise teenagers? 


Melonie TS I am so impressed with your 1-2-3-4 method of baby having.  I hope you have 5-6-7 in rapid succession too.  It’s hard but so much fun!  Just wait til they can all buckle their seatbelts and put on their own shoes, it’s going to be so easy!

Janice, another classy woman who globe-trots and always has a ton of fun going on.  I feel like you’re a second mother to those of us who grew up at the theater, I can’t imagine it without you.  And you make a mean pavlova.

Angee, you, my dear, are a mystery.  How did you find me?  I think you’re somehow related to the Sally clan. Enlighten me.

Lauren in GA, do you think you have the longest standing reader award?  I wish you would update so I could see how little John is doing.  Do you live within driving distance of Disney?

Sally I wish I were in your ward (because then I’d live in LA).  RS president while working and raising kids?  Sounds hard but you made it look easy.  Funny, smart, and capable, just the way I like my lady friends.

Sindee, thank God for you, keeping it real and interesting in this often bland state.  How does so much culture and awesomeness fit into such a little package?

Bronwyn, dude where do I even begin?  Whenever I enter a room and see you in it I remember that the world is a pretty rad place.  And my favorite part is texting you in that room for your wry remarks that are always on point.  Please blog more.  You have such a great writing voice and joie de vivre.  You are proof that beauty brains AND comedy can coexist. 


Natalie WB, what’s up smarty pants?  I think it’s funny that you downplay your writing ability.  You’re a great writer and I love following your little family.  I’ve so appreciated all your thoughtful comments throughout the years.  Oh, and your recently family pictures are AMAZING.

Sarah Lucy has always been SHYYYYYYY.  You left all of your underclothes in Nathan’s bathroom, just FYI.  And for this we love you.

Mother Teresa is one of those people who have never spoken a mean word (that I’ve ever heard.)  She’s one of those guile-free individuals who make apostles wives look like harpies.  I want to be Teresa when I grow up.

Mandy Wats, next time I have a baby I expect you also to have a baby and for our nursing in the Mother’s room to reconvene.  Thanks for saving me therapy bills by talking me through some really hard times.  I am so glad I got to hear your story.

Jo, the yoga body, for serious.  It’s unbelievable.  In my fantasy world I have the patience and discipline to do yoga and not cry.  Please educate. 


Tamra W., we could be BFFs but the anti-coke propaganda you linked made me burst into tears.  You mean to tell me my special friend Coke is bad for me?  Never!  But, you do post a lot about chocolate, so maybe there’s hope for us yet.

Rebekah, seriously, I had NO IDEA I would come all the way to Utah and meet a multiple degree-holding, LA born and raised, funny smart UCLA grad who loves books and babies.  You’re a Godsend.  We have so many adventures in front of us! 

Mary N is one of those women who has it covered.  You know those types who are asked to do something and rather than just making something do they achieve whatever it is like a professional and wave it off like it was just something they did in their off time? She’s one of those. 


Allison said...

Ha, I had no idea I liked a FB post. I guess that shows I really read your blog to accidentally find myself halfway through the post!
Ps I'm off to SoCal tomorrow and staying with V&A on Saturday.
PSS Yes, lots of weddings. Currently 3 scheduled for this year, but only in 1. Score!
PSSS Mary and I would be happy to hang in SF one of these days. Just let us know!

Miss Mary said...

Such fun shout-outs!

I agree--so weird that we don't know each other. I feel like I do know you! And I agree with Allison's PSSS--anytime! :)

Susannah said...

Bahaha. Thanks for the hair compliment, but let's be real unicorn hair > princess hair. And I haven't update the world on this, but I pulled a Disney Rapunzel and bobbed my hair. Ha!

Circe said...

You're coming for Sunday dinner?! Oh, yes please! Just say when. I miss you!

Victory said...

Is it bad that I love the term "paganist Mormon?" My freind told me yesterday that I'm a faerie spirit. Faeries and unicorns--no wonder we get along. Lurve you.

Victory said...

Is it bad that I love the term "paganist Mormon?" My freind told me yesterday that I'm a faerie spirit. Faeries and unicorns--no wonder we get along. Lurve you.

ang :o) said...

:) I don't know Sally. I was searching blogs one day and either came upon yours or Celia's and that lead me to the other. They were quickly favorites. I adore you. You inspire me and have made me realize that I can be 'me' in this Mormon faith. I'm still working on that. Thank you for being you!

Whit said...

Blah I feel like a bad friend. Boo on me. But I love you