
88 Lines about 44 Readers

I love my readers.  Recently I promised that I’d chose one to profile on my blog from the people who liked a blog link I posted on FB.  I decided to write a note to every person who liked that link.  Here’s a about half of them.  If I forgot you, remind me!!

Pictures interspersed are holiday shots that I didn’t blog about because they are rather obvious, but need to be included in the history of Christmas 2013.


Beth we need to talk about Karaoke.  With all your confidence I thought you were a sure thing for a duet partner and you left me hanging!?  You can do it!  Rematch!

Dayna is a superstar.  She does it all.  For some reason I primarily associate Dayna with entertaining.  She opens up her lovely home and then allows you to feast on whatever deliciousness she’s whipped up.  This is  talent I admire in women.  More people should entertain like you do.

Jeanelle Shaw I imagine you somewhere up north where there is granola and cold weather, neither of which you particularly like.  Is that where you live? 

Scotty B, hey, look at that!  A new relative!  I’m still snickering to myself over the Danny and newspaper comment.  I also very much appreciate your contributions to the raising of my husband.  You did a great job older brothering him into the snarky softy he is.

Jen, I made it.  Remember when you and Dave described to me what Sacrament meeting was like for the first few years with your five kids?  Well I can finally sit through a meeting without wanting to lay down and cry and when I do I think of you.  (Time to add another kid!)

Lindy I associate with having a million friends and no enemies.  It seems like everybody knows and loves Lindy.


Kim, woman about town.  Life has served you some interesting challenges and you’ve taken them all in stride and make everybody laugh.  I can’t even remember the last time I saw you, perhaps at Paige’s? 

Nadine, I still tell the story about when you used a quote from a prophet in an essay to make your point and I had to let it count because, well, when Thomas S. Monson says it it’s probably factual.  That paper was fun to read.

Heidi where do you live now?  I think you came to UT and the Hazens did not invite me over.  Now I am mad at all of you.  I want to meet your kids.

Kat, don’t try to pull this Kate thing.  It’s Kat.  Your baby is cute and I want to cuddle her.  Have a few more, please, and then report back to me how well they like all that fancy food you cook.  

Erika, you and Mike outdo each other on facebook all the time and I love it.  I can only imagine what it’s like in your house and what DOESN’T warrant a status update.  Maybe you should message the snark to me, I’m a willing audience.

Mary Hasner, so great to see you at Jay’s funeral.  Just seeing you there brought back memories of that Hawaii vacation when Jay was at his most amusing.

Dawn, how did I end up with Brass?  I still maintain Punk is a much better fit.


Linda, one time you were teaching some lesson in RS and you told the story of how you started to go to Al Anon.  I thought I was the only one in the room who had any experience with that trial and listening to you that day gave me so much hope.  Thanks for sharing your stories.

Heidi, you’re one of Celia’s favorite success stories.  When I was hopeless about the prospect of remarrying she would frequently cite you, “Well you know Heidi married that awesome dude and her life is pretty fantastic.”

MaryAnn I feel like you’re part of our family.  You’re a Maher by association, I think, or maybe related?  Either way, you’ve been here cheering us on and I appreciate it!

Mimi, great minds think alike.  How happy are you with Jude’s name?  What are you going to name your little girl?  Whatever it is, maybe I’ll use it too so we can have two name twins!

Lauri, a sincere thank you to you.  You’re one of the first people I met in our new ward and you’ve made me feel so at home.  Mimi adores you and I am buoyed up every time I see you at church, which is every week.  If you can do it smiling in the face of adversity, so can the rest of us.


Shannon Ritz, are you feeling any better?  This fall has been horrible for you I understand.  I’m a bad friend for not coming to see you in the hospital.  Please don’t friend divorce me.

Melissa soooo I was not anticipating that level of talent in my living room last week.  You guys are so good! Thanks for reminding me of Wagon Wheel, I’d forgotten that song and how much I love it.

Gina, I love that every time I see you it’s summer.  We have the best summer job ever.  Next year I need you to share some of your art ideas because your projects always turn out and sometimes mine tank.

Meg Wy three boys!  What is it like being in a Hong Kong with three tiny boys who need to run around and might get run over?  I would be a total mess.

Danna, you’re one of those people who I think is my kindred spirit based on pinterest and blog posts alone.  Know what I mean?  We like the same stuff.  We share interest in fashion and writing and art.  Maybe you should invite me to visit you in the United Arab Emirates and we can go to fashion shows and art museums together.

Kate (Katy.  I know you’ve changed it but I’m not there yet.)  I love your instragramming family.  What kind of Doctor are you?  How do you do it with a handful of kids? 


Justin, I know, you should have been first because you’re very very special.  You’ve had an odd impact on my life.  From that first day at Athenian with your round glasses to the plague that hit you mid high school to your letter tattoos, I just kind of adore your weirdness and I think in some ways you validate mine. 

Genevieve, someday we will meet at a coffee shop, have a genius idea for a writing project, write it together, sell it and then live like kings off the proceeds.  Right?

Cassidy, I love your boys!  And could two little boys be more different?  Kaleo and Max spent lots of time with my kids and they were so much fun and definitely get their sweetness from you.  And Mike’s probably one of the few people who gets the confusion inherent in being a punk grown up parent. 

Christine, we need to get a new group show so we can sneak out of our house at night while the kids are sleeping.  Let’s start a monthly movie night!

Sheryl, how far away do you live from me now?  When can we come over to play?  Do you have snacks?

Kim Dale your baby is so sweet, that picture of him learning to smile is to die for. 

Rebecca Johnson, are you responsible for this husband of mine?  Because from what I hear about the antics of Dj and Danny, only a girl with her head on straight could have kept some semblance of order in your cousin triad. 


Becca, I would love to spend an hour listening to you talk about the culture you’ve embraced.  The Athenian perspective and LDS conversion is so unique, I bet we’d have plenty of fodder.

Kerstin, I have the cutest photo of you and your husband from my wedding.  Email me for it.  Btw, every time I wear my 18 hole docs I think of you.  AND when I play practical jokes on my dad.

Shawn, did you know you were one of two people I still keep vaguely in touch with after leaving Petaluma?  It was a hard time for me and you reached out.  Funny how the little things we do make a big impact, and I really appreciated even our short interactions.

Chloe, I’m excited for next summer so I can hear all about your new school.  I love all the cheesy siblings pics you and Dylan post, they’re rad.

Joelle I’m kinda jealous of your work schedule and impressed with the way you balance work and family.  You’ve got it down.

Andrea, somebody told me you’re the new face of something?  What?  Also, if you don’t know Andrea you probably should.  She’s one of my most interesting friends.  Andrea made a village in Mozambique for the express purpose of researching Manta Rays, of which she is the foremost expert.  And she’s hot.  Go watch her BBC special “Queen of Mantas”

Camille VW, can you please bring Diego over some time?  The kids would love to go on a walk with you guys. 

Jeannine, oh my gosh your wedding looked so beautiful!  Post more pictures please!

Heather Haz, remember that time we never hung out?  Why is this?  You like babies and food, I like babies and food.  Let’s make Anne throw a party.

Maya I need you to start a blog please.  I feel like I get bits and pieces from FB but I need to know why you were in Paris recently and all about the trip.  Your public needs you.

Jane, hi.  You should text me more.  Or maybe visit Utah so we can hang out.  Jake has been killing me with his dating stories.

Shannon, every picture you post makes me amazed that places could be colder than Utah.  How are you surviving out there?  Do you ever leave the house?


Laurel I love watching your family transition into Dville life.  It’s so so different, no?  I propose you plan a NYC trip for girls only to show everybody your NY life.  And please invite me.

Julia Busche, I’m jealous of your international lifestyle.  What a rad experience you’re providing for your kids.  Do people try to befriend you just so they can come visit you in Asia?  Not that I would do that so overtly…

Carey Waters, are you still at The Shop?  That’s the one place I miss in Petaluma. 

Monet, you adorable yoga hippie.  Please teach me to like Yoga.  I hate it.  It’s boring.

Friederike, I’m excited for you to come visit but you can’t bring your giant dogs.  I’m afraid of dogs.

Kelli, Al’s friend who doesn’t live in Vegas but used to, right?  Do you ever come through Utah?  We should get our kids together.

Alicia, very impressed with your recent sewing skills.  Why do our mother’s generation make it look so easy?  I can sew straight lines.  Sorta.

Dev, one more Insta post about DTLA without something snarky written to accompany it and I’m going to beat you up.  You traffic in snark.  Get on that.

Makenna, dibs on you this summer.  I hope you’re pinning things on Pinterest so we have plenty of craft ideas.  Or we can just teach them all more air guitar.


Michelle Farrell, have really been enjoying all your art posts, especially all the nudie pics.  Why do people get uncomfortable with body art?  I think it’s cool.

Jackie, please pin on pinterest more.  I miss your humor.

Selina, those harem pants were an E for effort.  Show us the finish product, ok?

Annie my gosh woman you are all over the place this season!  How many different cities did you hit in the space of a week?  I hope you have someone doing laundry and cleaning so you can recover from all the fun.

Dorothy, when I read your post about Christmas card mustaches I hoped that your kid had drawn them on the cards you were sending out.  I would have very much enjoyed getting a bemustachio’d Christmas card.

Flora, I wish I could adopt you as our honorary grandmother.  I run across pictures of you and your grandkids and wish that I could ship mine over to your summer of fun!

Brandi, the pictures you took are some of my very favorites of me and my kids.  You have a real talent.  I want to come back to Hawaii just so I can take more pictures with you.  I think we’d be friends in real life.



Anonymous said...

You forgot me. You are fired. I actually LIKE things in the comments on the blog.

I SOOOO agree that I just cannot do the Kate W. thing. It will always be Katy. Same with Kat McD...

OnCallMom said...

Haha...I'm cool with staying Katie in Danville. It's been 17 years of Kate, so hearing Katie is a nice way of bringing up so many familiar memories. I'm a family doc. Couldn't do it without a part-time schedule, and a husband with a flexible schedule! :)

OnCallMom said...

*fond memories, not familiar. :)

Jeanelle said...

You're so adorable - and I love the new profile pic (your hair is perfect.) I live outside of Seattle so yes...it's cold but not Utah cold so I can't complain too much. And you're right...granola? Meh.

Shannon said...

Yay! I made the blog. I'm doing much better after 2.5 months of hell....who knew. Let's get together soon. xoxox

MaryAnn said...

Thanks for thinking of me. Yes, I feel like you are family too. (you have it somewhat right....have known the Maher clan since Mark was about eleven) I cheered on Joyce as she dealt with her five kids. Mine were a few years ahead of hers. Wish you and I could sit down and have a good visit. I feel a kindred spirit in you although you are much more "free" than I. My early years caused me to try to be invisible and I still battle that tendency. You inspire me! Sending hugs and luvs your way.

Lauren in GA said...

Did I, "like" that post? I thought so but Facebook is overwhelming so I can't remember...

I was just thinking yesterday that I learned what TED talks are from you. I was listening to NPR yesterday and people were talking about their TED talks and I though, "I know what those are thanks to Nor."

Cicily said...

I'm offended you left me off, and there's not TWO things you miss from Petaluma. Come on now!

Joelle said...

I love that I made the blog!!

Mimi said...

I DO love the name Jude! It took Matt years to get me on board with it, but it has become my favorite boy name. Judes just seem to have so much personality! Not sure on the baby girl name yet, but we like Adele. And if you do have another little girl, she could actually be our third matchy name -- don't forget your Mimi was born on my birthday! That counts!

Thanks for the shout out. I feel totally famous now. :)

laurel said...

Love this and love your NYC proposal! Someday!!

Unknown said...

You know what - I like this a lot. You deserve a star on the Walk of Life. Keep on keepin' on, internet friend.