
Representative Hoot

Tada! I made this.
One down, two to go.
Jude is modeling Mimi's Owl Costume.
Why? Because Mimi asked me to. It's good to have little projects.


Circe said...

You made an owl costume just for fun? You're my hero.

Lauren in GA said...

Bowing down to your greatness, Nor. I'd of cut holes out of a pillow case, stuck it over the kid's body and given up shortly thereafter.

Anonymous said...

Don't let this become one of THOSE blogs where we feel badly about ourselves when we read it because we can't craft or sew or make pretty food and we're still in our pjs and our house is messy. Can you redeem yourself by showing us a messy room or something?


Saheli said...

Go Owls. :-)

Anonymous said...

And my comment was written with the highest praise and envy.
