
Punk is Not Dead

This is what happens when you take your three little kids to LA for no reason whatsoever. You visit LA Zoo, Kidspace by the Rose Bowl, and make a bit of video art.

Thanks to the producers, psuedo-parents, and all around gang of fun who is NS and BS.



Lisa-Marie said...

I don't know who that song is by, but I think you should contact them about this video. You could save them $1000s from having to create their own. This is darling and ROCKIN.! Your kids are too too cute. I love Mimi's leather jacket and poof skirts. Oh, and the doo rags on their heads....so cute.

bronwyn said...

I love this

Lauren in GA said...

That was awesome. I enjoyed it all...especially your cameos.

I love that they were setting fires and spray painting an anarchy symbol...and even bucking the establishment and technology with garden rakes...but they wore their red helmets while on the bike. Safety first...and don't let the man get you down...

They are all so, so, so, CUTE. Cutest punk rockers on the planet!