Reason 1: The Paige Bite
When you let Paige bite your candy bar, she invariably takes the biggest bite her mouth can handle. This is an accepted and expected practice. Any time anyone shares a bite of anything, one runs the risk of the biter taking a Paige bite. Even E's husband and small child will complain, "You took a Paige bite!" if you take more than your fair share when biting.
Reason 2: "Though She be but little, she is fierce."
I have memories of Paige getting in trouble during her high school years. She and Nate would fight, she would get in trouble for sneaking out, she'd bring home curly haired liberal heathens, her boyfriends would blow things up and then come over bleeding and begging for medical help. When Paige got married, Dad gave her husband Shakespeare's play 'The Taming of the Shrew,' not because Paige is shrewish, but mostly because it contained the line "though she be but little, she is fierce." You do NOT want to get on Paige's bad side, by some sort of divine power, she knows exactly what to say to hurt your feelings and scar you to the core. However, if Paige is picking on someone other than you, it is HILARIOUS! It's kind of like Russian roulette: everybody's number eventually comes up as the subject of taunting, but when it's not your turn the game is very fun.
Reason 3: WWPD?
Another coined phrase in our family (which you are welcome to adopt) is "What Would Paige Do?" This is MUCH more fun than the traditional WWJD. When you get into a confrontation that has you on the verge of tears, think to yourself What Would Paige Do? Paige would rip 'em a new one. Paige would tell them exactly what she thinks and Paige would get exactly what she wants. She has no fear. Paige may always get what she wants, but she damn well deserves everything she gets because she has more confidence and moxie than any other woman I know.
Reason 4: All Access Pass
Paige can get in anywhere. I once saw her sneak three children over the age of 2 and herself onto an airplane using a borrowed ID, just weeks after 9/11. She can get into any concert for free and sneak all the way up to the front. Her method is to simply overwhelm and barge through any and all barriers.
Reason 5: Paige the Guinea Pig
If you want to do it, Paige has probably tried it. She has the medical knowledge of any nurse, has dealt with every physical ailment, been everywhere and read (skimmed) almost anything. Need to know the side effects of this pain med? Paige knows. Want to plan a trip to Europe? Paige will tell you where to go. Have a rare tropical disease? Paige has either had it or will give you meds to stop it. Her pregnancies are worse than yours, her kids are louder, her husband fixes less things around the house than yours does.
I feel sort of sorry for the people out there who just know Paige via her blog, which is mercifully tame in comparison to the real Paige. Aside from being tough as nails, Paige is also extremely generous. She loves my baby -- the picture above is just minutes after Mimi was born, below is P with Mimi dressed as a chicken.
Is it Paige's birthday, too? When is someone going to a blog for me? My birthday's in July, just so everyone knows.
All narcissism aside...that was fun fun fun. And the thing about Paige...she gets even BETTER, the older she gets.
Yeah, is it my birthday too? Because that was the best post ever written. I told you your blogs just keep getting better, and now you've peaked. Imagine what I would get if I watched Mimi for more than a few hours!!!
Love the "Paige Bite"!!! Aren't sisters the best, they are always there for you and are not allowed to say no (It's in the "Good Sister Handbook"!
ooohh, sharing the Paige love. I agree wholeheartedly. Paige is a gem!
(and I'm not just saying this 'cuz of #2)
Yeah, is it Paige's birthday? I'm sorry but you shot her birthday wad a little early. This is hilarious and even funnier if you read it while on cold meds. I don't think you forgot anything!
Sign me up as another Paige fan.
I've always said I'm so glad Paige is my friend - and not just because it sucks to be her enemy! And she truly is one of the most generous people I know.
I only know Paige through my sister Adrianne, but she won my admiration when I saw her impersonate a paraplegic on my parents living room floor.
Paige is the best! And I know her personally. I feel honored to know such a celebrity. Great post
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