Ever had your picture taken and hated your smile? All gums and too happy looking? Everybody has a signature smile, but did you know that a smile can be adjusted to achieve perfection?
When I used to look at my smile in pictures, it bugged me. I adopted a new smile that I use for pictures. I call it my Goldie. When people say, "Cheese" I say "Goldie!"

This is my old smile. Not very Goldie.
Goldie Hawn is my smile icon. My smile is too upper mouthy, so when the cameras are fixed on me I imitate Goldie's smile my dropping the lower corners of my mouth for a more square look.

This is a Goldie at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin.

This is also a Goldie. Yes, hair was purple and skin white. No sun in London.
This is Ellie's signature smile.

This is Pam's signature smile, on the right in the squares.
Tammy was the queen of mastering the photo smile.
I would purposely put my tongue between my teeth to make my jaw drop and nose look less beaky.
Great post idea. I've really been out of those lately.
The goldie is really hard. I've been trying it. But your truly is excellent. I prefer the open mouth, drop jaw, neck out for minimum double chin.
I hadn't thought of the "Goldie" smile before. But thanks to you now I will anytime I take a picture. I'm going to try it.
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