Barack Obama, simply because Oprah likes him and I think Oprah is a false prophet.
Hillary Clinton, because she looks like a man from behind and a Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton presidential succession sounds monarchial.
OvenMitt Romney, because his mom has my same name and I don't want that kind of exposure.
Fred Thompson, because his names kinda sounds like Fred Flinstone and that's archaic.
John Edwards, never trust anyone with two first names.
Am voting for Rudy Giuliani.
1. Lots of wives, mistresses.
2. I'm not tired of 9/11, yet.
3. Named after my favorite Huxtable.
4. Socialized medicine is for socialists. LDS people are NOT socialists!
5. Name sounds like a Sopranos character.
6. Who really wants to talk to their own kids?
7. Looks pretty white. White means right, right?
8. Will probably be Rude-y to other world leaders.
9. Looks decent in a dress and lipstick.

I won't get into politics with you, although I do like Rudy. But I will say that I'm glad you're blogging again!
Great news. I've been missing the posting and the commenting. Way to fight for your right to blog.
Oh, and I just bore my testimony on my blog so there's NO WAY I'm also exposing my political leanings to the mass public. So no comment.
I know the only reason you are voting for him is because you found that picture. I am ok with that.
I'm glad you're back. I knew you wouldn't stay away for too long!!
Your lists are the best! Didn't Rudy kiss Clinton when that picture was taken? You are such a rebel!!
Now the world is going to know that we base decisions purely on physical appearance. Damn.
I think you should vote for Ross Perot. He dressed like a girl too.
That is one heck of a picture! I love it!
What if I don't want to vote for any of them?
I like your reasons.
I like your writing style. I'll ask Paige about more details. :)
So happy you are blogging.
Glad you're back, and glad to see your wise selection process for leader of the free world.
oprah is a false prophet. thank you nor-t for bringing this to light.
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