Yes, the individuals to whom I impart knowledge have discovered my blog. Yes, they tried to make problems for me with my employment. But NO, they have not succeeded in taking my blog from me!
Let me tell you, it was a nightmare. I will not be blogging about my job, there are too many issues. Oh, the responsibility of being a community figure.
They know my name, they know the general area where I live, they can find me on the web. These factors are all part of the package of being associated with education.
If you're curious about what I've been dealing with, please visit:
I will not be discussing this drama any further.
One of the hardest part of blogging is the self-censoring. My name is no longer on here, I've given up on trying to sell my book through my blog. My problem is, I have mean thoughts and I want to air them. You never know who's reading, so I guess it's important to present yourself in a inoffensive way. I, however, am an equal opportunity offender.
I hear there's a new movie coming out, 'How to Lose Friends and Alienate People.' Maybe this is a movie about my life. I always seem to make people mad and get into trouble because of the mean things that fall out of my mouth. For example, I once wrote a story about a friend of mine. Though I changed her name, she figured it out that the story was about her and got really mad. I have learned the "don't say bad things about people and don't make grandiose sweeping judgements" lesson over and over, which I assume means that I'm not learning anything at all.
Rather than learning a big fat lesson from the blogging debacle, I'd rather continue to stir the proverbial shit and write whatever I darn well please. Sorry if you're offended, mother. My favorite types of blogs are the mean ones.
I like Rynna's blog because she's unabashedly opinionated.
I like Paige's blog because she only thinly veils her rage.
I like Celia's blog because she almost admits how annoying church can be.
I like Tiff's blog because she posts pictures of poop.
I like because he's a big ugly jerk and he knows it.
Got a problem with that?

Here is my secret opinion of the day:
I believe in legalizing gay marriage and it really made me mad that churches lobbied against legalizing gay marriage because I think preventing other people's happiness is contradictory to Christian morals.
So there.
Yayayayay. I will inform my constituents immediately. Big Brother Can Bite You!
Hey EVERYONE, Lenore's blog is nice, but you should check out MY blog:
Ok, I like the rage. In real life people may think you need meds, in blogland it makes you popular. Maybe that's why I love blogging so much. I'm more popular in virtual world than I am in real life. And the picture of you is fantastic.
Mimi looks just like you in the snarly picture.
Oh Happy Day!!! You are back. I do like your new Blog Name- you are soooo Notorious.
Sorry, My bad, "NORtorious"!!!
mom and i were about to comment something funny, but then we were distracted by the title of ellie's blog.
you left a comment on my blog so I thought I'd check out yours. Do we have someone in common? Just curious. I think you speak for all of us closet " girls who say what they want to". Thanks :)
I won't be offended that you don't like my blog. : )
Welcome back! You were missed. And thanks for the props on the poop post. I missed the RoL reunion show - but I'm sure it will air 2 dozen more times...!
Wait, Ellie has a blog?!?!
Welcome back, and Mimi is adorable.
Glad you're back. Sad you don't like my blog, or rather that I am a blogging failure. :( :(
once again i am pleased to make your favorite bloggers list. i feel i have not been bitchy enough and i am inspired to go bitch out online now. so glad to see you're up and running again.
and some more with the self-censoring: i would really, really, really love to write a book while the dave sedaris/dave eggers/ann lamott literary aesthetic is still cool but i'm afraid everyone i know would disown me and hate me forever. dammit.
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