
First Quarter Iphone Picture Download

I've halted posting for a month because I was waiting to hear back from TED.  I applied to give a talk and I didn't make it.
So now I have some catching up to do! Thus, some disorganized posts. 

We've been here three + months and I'm still having a love affair with our new house.  I always think it's interesting to go back through my records and find house pictures to see how I decorated wherever I've been living.  And I like to be reminded of things I may take for granted as normal in the future.

This is the view from our front window and it has become a major part of my daily life.  When we used to visit Hawaii as a big family my dad would make us march down every.single.night to the beach to watch the sun set.  Rough life, right?  But enough times of being bossed into watching the sunset became annoying.  We called him the Sunset Nazi.  And now I hear myself nearly every day demanding that the kids come look at nature's fireworks.  Thankfully they don't yet resent it and have started alerting me to spectacular sunsets.  Thus I've become a person who takes pictures of sunsets.  That pink line at the bottom is the Great Salt Lake.

January was the month when I was expecting a whole lot of people to come to our house so it had to be ready.  January 18 was the deadline -- our sealing party.  LouLou helped shop.  That's her first cart ride.

Finished product of our room.  My besties came over and helped me paint it that dark gray and Anna consulted and encouraged styling.  She's a beautification wizard.

For the first time in my life we have a TV in our room.  It doesn't get much use, yet.

Final product, currently.  My #1 favorite thing is the curtains that Amy made for me.  Sometimes you need to beg your meticulous and capable friends who can sew to do your real crafts for you.  I know my sewing limits.  She did a great job.

Another house pic with my fancy light and hot pink wall.
Husband of mine caught on his way to work.  Let it be known that Hush agreed to let me live in my dream house/dream neighborhood at his expense: he has to drive an hour to and from work every day and I feel guilty and grateful.  He's the patron saint of sacrificing for love and family. Bless him. Amen.

Just a sunset, the norm. Everyday out our front window we get to watch spectacular shows.

Hush and his cousin twin. Three cousins born in the same year, and all three of them had babies this year! That's Becca and Blade the chunk of cuteness.
At Uncle Mark's modeling the deer horns of some variety or another.
LouLou doing the scoot back move that always lands her under the furniture.
Remember how after you have a baby you give up on ever wearing your normal clothes again? That's what this picture is modeling. Taken by Rebekah or Christine, my dearest.
Christine at Rebekah's house where the lemonade has fancy straws.
Oh! This picture is worth a thousand words. A few Fridays ago Hush came home and told me he had rented me a hotel room for the night. BY MYSELF. I was so excited I couldn't sleep. Is there any dream more dreamy than an entire night alone when you have four little kids and a baby who wakes up all the time?
The stars aligned and all three of us were available to spend the day together. One of the best days ever!
Mimi, Lou and Silas under the bench at church. 8, 5, 5 months.
Mimi's 8th birthday party. Family dinner with our Utah family: Kara and fam, Rebekah and Christine's fams. (Poor grammar that sentence.)
Mimi's an ace at opening presents and being excited, she has the Nate gene. He was the best present opener ever.  Also, note the guy holding the cake, Mimi, so that in the future when you're a teenager and screaming "You're not my real dad" you'll remember that Hush has been your real dad every day since you were six.
Rebekah has the magic touch with Baby Lou.
Maddi and Silas in their finery.
Fancy coat. Man I really love this baby. I love babies. Babies are great. I want a million of them.
Ahhh sweet Jude. He always picks me for his Valentine.

The homemade Valentines this year. Jude made each person in his class.
And here's the kid crew on Valentine's Day. 


Mimi's Baptism

My dear darling Mimi was baptized in February.  She had the most beautiful day and we appreciate everybody who came to support her!
Photos by Jessica Peterson.

Jude handing out programs.

Kids singing.

Menfolk confirming her a member of the church. Hush, Calvin, Jake Brom who happened to be in town, Nathan, Jim, I can't see who else.  Mimi thoughtfully went around to all of the grown men in the congregation and asked them to be in the circle if they were available.  Houdini also showed up but I didn't get a picture of them together. Actually I was waiting for the pictures from the primary to publish this post but I haven't seen them yet.  The primary did an excellent job putting the whole thing together.

8 and CTR cookies
Me and Nate on my baptism day.
Mimi and Jude on hers.
Anna gave the most wonderful talk on Baptism that involved smashing a plate with a hammer and magically making it whole. Jessica spoke on the Holy Ghost and did an excellent job.  I'm grateful to have adopted Utah family who support us!

Then we went skiing! Robert, Rebekah and Jim and I went.
First day skiing with my girl. Turns out skiing IS fun when you do it with your kid.

Don't let the teddy bear hat fool you, Robert and Rebekah are hardcore.

This is how I was feeling that week having a kid get baptized. It was an intense week. Lots of feelings. 

Family Sealing, Jan 17, 2015

On the way to the temple, all the kids in the back.

Hair by Ms. Kenzie Pehrson
 The only picture we got on the way out because NOBODY waited for us.
I waited 34 years for this and none of you could wait twenty minutes?
About the dress:
Temple standards are such that you must have your arms covered down to the wrist and a very conservative neckline.  Short of wearing a turtleneck it's really hard to find something suitable that is also worthy of having a picture taken.  Here's my solution.  I bought a dress at Free People (overpriced store, especially when you have to wear three layers to compensate for the translucence of all of their clothing).  Then I had a seamstress rip the sleeves off of a dress shirt I already owned and sew them on.  Last I added two or three lacy slips.  Now the dress is my temple dress.

E got a few shots when we walked by her car.  

 And now for the main event!  The Jessica Peterson Photography family shots!

January 17, 2015 Jude 6, Betty Lou 4 months, Mimi 7, Silas 5.

The buddies

BL and Si are buddies.  They spend a lot of time together because Si only goes to a few hours of pre-K so the three of us tool around together much of the time.  Though he's only five he knows how to make the baby happy in the car and wherever she is.  He's the first line of relief for whatever his baby needs.

Always beaming over her shoulder.

Always getting in her space, making sure she's entertained.

 Snuggling her and talking to her all day.

 Sharing his germy germs.
Keeps an arm under her making sure she doesn't tip over.

Protecting her from all the other kids and making sure she has fun.

And most recently snuggling LouLou in her crib whenever he can sneak in there.

There is little more rewarding than your children treating each other with loving concern.  I think the bond they're creating while they're little will serve them well when Silas is a senior in high school looking out for his little sister.