
Oh, Just Your Spring Hair?

I am having a hair identity crisis.  I know it's irrelevant but it is driving me crazy.  Kylie freaking Jenner has been wearing wigs that match my hair.

 Buzzfeed is posting list after list of "Festival Hair" which is pastel colored hair just like mine.  I am absolutely pro people having colored hair, Team Unicorn is expanding and that makes me very happy. HOWEVER, I am angry that pastel hair is a trend.  Because trends go out.  Is pastel hair the Rachel of this decade?

Jennifer Aniston has stated that she hated the now-iconic “Rachel” haircut. | 25 Fascinating Facts You Might Not Know About "Friends"

Are people going to be saying "remember when everybody had weird colored hair?"  Like those horrible skunk stripes people did for a while?  What about those of us whose natural color IS pink?  

It's just not fair.  I have invested five years into this hair it aint no passing fancy.  Now my normal is going to be passe in probably six months.  I love all the colors, it reminds me of the Capital from Hunger Games.  Those are my people!  But damn you stupid Buzzfeed for calling it "Festival Hair." And damn you for all of these articles:
If Famous Paintings had Festival Hair
Pastel Rainbow Hair
All About Pastel Goth
Tay Swift Pastel Hair
15 Celebrities with Colored Hair  with the worst possible tag line: All the SPRING hair inspiration you need.  Spring?!?  No.  Not just the Spring of 2015.  Life.  My children have no memory of me with anything but pink hair (with occasional bouts of teal and purple).

I do not need this kind of publicity around my hair color.  Just let us dye our hair and don't make it a thing.  Don't Rachel us.

So what do I do?  Do I have to jump ship?  Go back to natural, whatever that may be?
In frustration and while I wait on a solution to present itself I will wear dreadlocks.


Anonymous said...

You forgot Hilary Duff colored her hair. Don't know what you should do, but I'll definitely ponder this bc it's a big deal.


Elizabeth said...

I have said this before about your hair - I love it and you always look spesh... but I feel so bad for your poor hair being bleached and bleached. My pet hair hate right now is young starlets going grey!!!!!

Laura said...

You defy trend. Don't worry!

Caroline C. Bingham said...

This is how I feel when it was trendy for girls to have mohawks. Some of us were doing that way before it was cool.

One Fish said...

Just don't dye your hair gray.

Circe said...

Ya, I don't want fun-colored hair to be associated with any certain demographic, region or time period, especially if it becomes passé or tacky. I'll always love your hair, and you'll feel it in your bones if it's not "you" anymore.

Circe said...

Don't worry, unicorns, unlike Zebras are eternal-ever heard of the Unicorn Tapestries? But maybe it's time to go fuschia? ;) :) GOlda

Pam said...

You have pink/pastel hair because you like it. What do you care for "trends?" Just think, you were the first, and you will be the last. Cling to your trademark. Why try to reinvent yourself? Personally, I like fluff rather than strings. And I know roots are punk, but . . .

Drink Recipes said...

Gratteful for sharing this