
Life Ruiners

“But why would she do that?

Because she’s a life ruiner.  She ruins people’s lives.”


Mean Girls.  If you haven’t seen it you can’t sit with us. Winking smile


Mean girls has become part of our canon of modern classics.  It strikes a chord because everyone has at one time or another been “victimized by Regina George”, which is to say they’ve been the recipients of meanness from other women.  Most of the time my mother’s time-worn consolation, “Nobody notices, nobody cares” applies – the offense is usually in our heads.  Most offense is unintentional.

However, there will always be the Regina Georges.  Or, if you’re a man, the Javerts. 


Seriously Javert, get over it.  Get on with your life.

Regina George is the quintessential Queen Bee.  She intimidates girls into being just like her and ostracizes those who don’t.  And when Regina George has her sights set on you, you’re pretty much going to have your life ruined.  Girls come into your life and decide that they don't like you. Then they do something about it.  They try to ruin your life under the ostensible goal of HELPING you.


My sister described these snake-in-the-grass Girls, “They are the people who call you inappropriate for wearing red fingernail polish to a Young Women's meeting. They are the people who send nasty emails to your parents when they think you aren't living your life right. They are the people who carve terrible words into your car when you don't do what they want you to do. They're the people who find out you like Aaron Samuels and then start dating him and dangling it in your face. They are the people who cause you to wind up in the principal's office because you didn't sit at their table at In n' Out. They are The Life Ruiners.”


The aforementioned sister recently came in the crossfire of a very mean girl and showed up crying on my doorstep.  We anger-cleaned my house and talked about all the Life Ruiners we've known and dealt with over the past years.  My sister is on the once-a-year plan.  I, however, am on the every-six-months plan.  Apparently I have a biannual subscription to Life Ruiners.

What is it with these types of women?  Why go out of your way to make someone else’s life more difficult than it needs to be?  And why are my sister and I such an easy targets for these types of women?  Do I have a sign on my back that says “It’s been 6 months and I’m pretty happy.  Stab me!”

I’m an equal opportunity offender.  I make people mad sometimes with my careless words, I get that, but rarely am I directly speaking to hurt and I never EVER pull out all the stops.  I’m also very responsible when it’s brought to my attention and quick to apologize sincerely.  I probably owe a lot of people apologies for various things, but I think I’m up-to-date because I like relationship peace.  Unfortunately, many people aren’t looking for apologies.  They’re looking for retribution.


Last week all three of us had black eyes at the same time.  Mimi fell and bonked her head, I caught an accidental elbow to the face, and Mimi accidentally kicked Jude.

Usually my Life Ruiners come out of the blue.  There’s the woman who took something I said in Relief Society and wrote a whole post about how ignorant I am to the plight of women.  Uh huh.  Total woman hater here, clearly.  There’s the woman who took me out to lunch and then proceeded to tell me that the way I look is the reason why my life was a disaster and that nobody took me seriously because I wear a ring with a gun on it to church.  Thanks!  Totally helpful!  Thanks for restoring my faith in the non-judgment of “Christians”.  See you at the temple!  Oh, and let’s not forget the latest and greatest.  My best friend wrote my parents (?!)  a lovely inventive email outlining every sin she thought I’d committed – because she was “worried” – and also said some pretty heinous false things about Hush (after she’d texted him all of my deepest darkest secrets.)  Thankfully my family knows my Life Ruiner history and laughed it off.  Seven years of friendship.  Gone.  I’m still in mourning.

These events don’t make me angry, they make me disappointed and sad.  I don’t hold grudges, I simply live my life without them forever.  Is that holding a grudge or just being careful?  They pull a stunt like that and it’s like flicking a switch – gone from my life, just a memory. 


My question for all of these attempted Life Ruiners is WHY?  Why go out of your way to make trouble in someone else’s life?  What do you have to gain from another’s misery?

Sure, we’ve all been mad.  We’ve all been hurt.  But the difference between an adult and a Life Ruiner must be the lessons I learned from my mother:

1.  Write the letter, get all your feelings out.  Then don’t send it.  Throw it away.

2.  Let it go.

3.  Mind your own business, live your own life.

4.  Choose to think the best of people.  Assume the good in others.

And 5.  Be the light. 


“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Plato

The worst part about the Life Ruiners in my life is that they have always been women. I’ve become wary and gun-shy; who’s going to have it out for me next time?  But more importantly, how can I restore my faith in friendship with women? 

Sigh.  At least I have my sisters.


Get in loser, we’re going shopping.


Unknown said...

One time I was an accidental life ruiner. I was the Regina George. Although I totally didn't intend for what I said to come out wrong. It did and I tried to apologize profusely but it was not accepted. And then the girl decided I must die and proceeded to ostracize me out of 2 social groups and my piano teacher. I became Celia Foote overnight. I was de friended in very type of social media possible.
And then I moved across the country so I never have to bump into that Hillie Holbrooke again.
I hate that.
Tell your sister - welcome to the club and Sorry

E B said...

Sorry, Nor. I've come to the conclusion that as Latter-day Saints the best thing we can do is assume that other Latter-day Saints are following the Spirit in their lives and callings just as we are. Even if they do things differently or have different experiences or make different choices - that doesn't matter.

Andrea said...

I'm sorry to hear that, it makes me sad because as you grow up you feel like all that stuff is left back in high school. You get a job, you get married, have children, it's a different life but unfortunately there are those women who still act like they're in high school and are still the mean girls. Most likely, it's because there is something missing in their own life and therefore make other peoples life worse to make themselves feel better. Just do what you do, ignore that shit, keep your head up and live your life to the fullest. You have a beautiful family and a are a very strong, intelligent beautiful woman.

Circe said...

Sheesh, who ARE these women? If any of them live near me, I must be completely oblivious to them. "What other people think is none of my business." But sending "helpful" texts to your parents? Yikes! Who has time?

Anonymous said...

Your Mom is one wise women. I have said it before and will say it again 'Misery Loves Company.' You and your sisters must be totally out of most women's league and sadly they only know how to target you in a negative manner.

Now that HUSH knows all your secrets I hope this officially makes him you BFF? There is nothing better than having a spouse as your best friend!

I hope your disappointment and sadness ends soon. I think you are just being careful! So, Shine on You Crazy Diamond...loved your 9/25/13 post!

Shannon said...

I'm sorry about your life ruiner. :( But on a good note (for me at least)...I'm still your friend and I promise that I will never be a life ruiner, mostly because I hate mean girls, but secondly because that just seems to take too much time and anger and I don't got time for dat. :) Besides...I kind of think you are awesome!

Jennie said...

I think EVERY woman could write a whole chapter in their life book about this topic. I think we've all been there. I have to remove people from my "circle of trust" and sometimes even my life when I've been betrayed like that. I'm so sorry your 7 yr BFF did that. WTHeck! :) You are right about family. They will always be in our lives and can be our best resources for support. I hope all is well with you and Hush - no thanks to the former BFF. Geez!

Nicku B said...

WROTE TO YOUR PARENTS!? Seriously who does that?! We're HOW old? Oh my goodness. What is it with life ruiners? Well, it's that their miserable and self righteous. Anyone who has that much time to meddle in someone else's life to that degree is cray cray. I barely have time to be a good wife, friend, sister to the people I like, let alone take time to ruin people's lives that I dislike. I know it sounds trite, but it's not you, it's them and it's definitely not loving or Christian.

Natalie Bergin said...

I'm sorry.

The other day I was thinking about Alamo 1st Ward young women's when I was playing the piano for one of the hymns and completely botched it. After you told me how you respected that I kept playing through all of the mistakes. You were the nice girl that day.

Totally random but that was my "Thinking about Lenore" moment of the week.

Anonymous said...

Edits to my comments on #5:

wise woman.

your BFF.

There could be more ?? - I was not an English major!

Anonymous said...

Rotten. Sorry Lenore. Marie.

michelle said...

I just don't get why some people can't just act like grown-ups! I mean this is the sort of thing you might expect from the mean girls in the movie, I meant they are adolescent girls who may not have figured themselves and life out yet. But now? Really? I hope we can add to your group of non-mean girls!

anonymous said...

You kissed my boyfriend and then told me!...when we were 16.

Luckily it only almost ruined my life.


Ps--I so didn't write that letter to your parents in case people wonder.

Rebekah Tripp said...

Glad you are still willing to let new female friends in your life. To my knowledge, I've never ruined a life, and I don't think you'll be the first.

p.s. Your mom is awesome.

Caroline C. Bingham said...

Sisters are nice. Esp when you have lots, because different sisters are good for different situations.

And I'm like you. I don't do grudges. I'm always just over it and I move on like *poof* you're gone.

One Fish said...

I think perhaps I need to understand mean girls/women more because they clearly have much more time on their hands than I do. I don't have a lot of experience with life ruiners but I fear for my daughters.

Lauren in GA said...

Perfectly written.

I wish I were more like your mom. I am 43 years old. When will I realize that, "Nobody notices, nobody cares."

Sorry for the black eyes...and the life ruiners.

Love that you called C a loser. Nice touch...you are an awesome sister.

Unknown said...

I always love reading your posts for several reasons. Opening your life to the www and expressing your heart and thoughts is very brave! I think many of your posts touch people's lives and help them in many ways without you knowing it! Bravo!
As I was reading this last one I wanted to comment and maybe play the neutral, white flag party and say I know we all have had a "life ruin-er(s)" or we have been one ourselves... but to actually post something about your "old" best friend seems kinda harsh. I've been in a similar situation and as hurt and sad as I felt, I don't think I'd post it on a blog for people to read, comment, and create assumptions for her or yourself. I know you speak your mind, and bless you for it. More people need to do so, but ragging out an old friend for something, is a pretty "mean girl" act for you to do. There's always two sides of the story... and as delicate and Christ-like, your posts are, I had to think otherwise on this one. I know names weren't mentioned but this it still could hurt her, people who know her, etc.
If you two have been best friends for 7 years why wouldn't you want to work it out? Understand why she did what she did? Hear her, understand her, see her point of view? Maybe you have... it just wasn't mentioned. I know I've spoke, emailed, or text people out of love and concern for my best friends...even though it bugged them, at the end of the day they knew it was because I cared.
Friends come and go, we learn from them, they're in our lives for a reason... but if a friendship is so easily tossed after 7 years, I'd want to re-evaluate the situation. I'm sure she's hurting just as much as you are. Christ wouldn't just toss someone to the side and announce their friendship is dead or call someone a life ruin-er online.... All I'm saying is take their feelings into consideration before it's out there for the world to read.

Nortorious said...

Sindee, I'm glad that person has someone in her corner to listen. Will you also let her know that I need the iPhone 5 I loaned her back? Just ask her to drop it in the mailbox or give to a mutual friend.

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