
Summer List End of the Week

The end of the week was packed full of activities.  We play hard.


Made a cake for Grandma’s birthday.


Went to Fairyland for Bea’s 7th birthday party.


Had some brother bonding time.


Made a town with masking tape roads.  This is a big hit over here with the two big kids, but Silas loves to ruin whatever they set up.  Si’s having a hard week.  He’s sick, poor shrieky little thing.


Played games.  This picture could not more fully demonstrate Mimi’s behavior as late.  She is definitely a turkey.


Made some flower origami.  This was a big fat fail.  Do not do origami with children under 6.


Mini golfing was a huge hit.  $9 for the three of us, as much golf as we could stand.  I need to remember to go again, the kids loved it.  It was more like hockey than golf, but still super fun. 

And then as a reward I went on a 6 HOUR DATE with my GIRL FRIENDS!!

There is nothing like girl time.  I forget how much I need it and then I get to go shopping and dining and movie watching with amazing women whom I adore more each time I spend time with them.  How lucky I am to be where I can hang out with such smart funny women.   Thank you, Some Guy, for allowing me some time away while you watched and put to bed all five kids.  You are a super-star dad and step dad.

The movie choice was lacking, however.  Snow White and the Huntsman was like a low-rent Lord of the Rings, complete with Gollum.  Charlize Theron’s costumes were awesome, though.  But seriously, Bella?  Blehha.


You know it’s bad when you take a picture of the movie screen. 

But still, a wonderful week.

Oh, I have a surprise.  Coming soon.  Can you guess?  It’s not a baby.


anonymous said...

A house? A car? A pony?


Lauren in GA said...

Okay...we have been out of town and I was unable to navigate around your new blog format on my in-laws computer. Now that we are home I realized that I just needed to click the, "Classic" button at the top of the page to be able to view your latest posts. Before I switched to the, "Classic" format I was only able to view your April and May posts in that abbreviated format...and was unable to scroll up or down to view anything else. I am just letting you know...in case you have blog readers that can't navigate around your blog anymore...tell them to click the, "Classic" button for an easier format.

Okay, now for my REAL comment. I REMEMBER SOME OF THOSE AWESOME FISHER PRICE TOYS THAT MIMI AND JUDE ARE PLAYING WITH IN THAT PICTURE!!! We had the house (complete with ring-able doorbell) and the playground that came with Sesame Street, "little people" and that awesome village with the stoplight that connects the pieces that you can change to red or green. I wish my parents had held on to those things like Gramma Pamma has. My kids would love those. I also LOVE how you made the town with masking tape roads. Brilliant. I kind of giggled imagining Silas like an adorable Godzilla destroying the city.

Uh...I can't believe Bea is 7!! Charlotte looks so grown up in that picture. Will you tell Paige that I said, "hi".

I appreciate your review of Snow White and the Huntsman. I totally laughed at your description of it being like a, "low-rent Lord of the Rings". I haven't seen it yet...but now I am going to be chuckling as I watch. You are hilarious.