
Hair Oppression

When you are in a funk the absolute WORST thing you can do is change your hair.  So, of course, that is exactly what I did.

The inspiration was Uma Thurman as Mrs. Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction, and this amazingly hot girl. 

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First I chopped it off because it was damaged from the coloring and getting too tangled.  It looked like this:


Katy Perry copied (ok, didn’t copy, just did it at the same time) my pink hair and then I saw this picture with short pink hair and grrr.  So out came the dye.

And this is the result:

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With normal sophisticated hair none of my clothes coordinate very well any more.  And I have to wear makeup all the time to look not-washed out.  And I look pg in the bridge picture, but it’s just my bulky coat.

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Um, I kind of totally hate it.  It’s been almost a month and I am already so sick and tired of this new hair.  I loved it at first because it was such a drastic change and I liked looking like Simone:


But I had no idea how accustomed I’ve gotten to having pink hair.  I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror without it.  I was intending to blend in a little bit as we shift from ward to ward and deal with drama. 

I’m probably going back to pink again shortly.  Or maybe blue.  This Normal thing is just not working for me.  It’s sucking my will to live.



Jennie said...

I'm glad you're back. For a minute there, I thought maybe you'd left. First Paige, then Celia - we were hoping you didn't join them.

Even thought life is hard with the Divorce situation and all you guys are going through, I'm glad you feel you can share it and that you're back. I truly hope this too will pass. Hopefully one day, all of THOSE people will play nice. You all deserve happiness.

Anyway, welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Love Wayne's World. I like the cut, but miss the old color, but like the new color. Can you add some hot purple into it? I think that would be awesome. Oh, I saw someone tag the hair with the shaved underneath and thought that there's no way THAT style is coming back in.

I've seriously been considering shaving my head and getting a really good wig--Hasidic style. No joke.

Kd Nay said...

Well I like it. Short hair is very cool, especially with the dark color. It makes you look exotic. I cut of 11 inches on my birthday. Yeah for short hair!

Lauren in GA said...

You can wear your hair any which way and you look great. You are one of those hot girls that can do things like that.

I got my hair cut last week and I told the stylist, "Make me look like JLo with her long sexy layers" She told me I'd need extentions (sp?)...great...I need to outsource now for sexy hair because she told me mine is thinning...I have always had thick, thick hair. Like, thick to a fault because it was hard to brush out...I guess that's gone now, too.

Okay...enough about me...