
Your Honor

Gotta go to court in a few days. Not looking forward to it. Need to address the hair and costume situation.
I'm trying to select the look that says "Nice to meet you, please rule in my and my children's favor."
What do you suggest? I do have a grown up penguin costume if the princess dress is "too much."


Lauren in GA said...

I like the princess dress. Just make sure to wear sensible shoes. Show the judge what a level head you have.

Seriously though...I'll say some prayers that all goes well.

Christie said...

Um....the fact that he's a deadbeat jerk isn't enough? Sheesh. Praying that all goes your way. I can't imagine it NOT. Hugs.

Linsey said...

Just be yourself, the facts are on your side. And, dress nicely (no jeans or t-shirts, conservative though not like a candidate for public office), but comfortably. If you're feeling fussy in your clothes, it will effect your whole demeanor. Think: Keep relaxed and calm.

Sending all the good karma I've got your way, and some prayers for good measure.

Paige said...

Sorry but you've gotta wear the wig. A middle aged mom with pink hair will be judged by the judge.
Sometimes court can be good. At night if I'm feeling down a few read throughs of the transcripts tearing him a new one can be just what the doctor ordered.

bronwyn said...

You're Lenore! It's what I expect out of you to rock that pink hair and win at everything still. I know you can do it! Although, you do work that bobbed wig!

Jeanelle said...

I'm not worried - because no matter what you choose, your hair, makeup and clothing will look a million times better than Lindsey Lohan's. But seriously, blow up the family pic in your blog header and have it displayed proudly in the courtroom. If that picture doesn't scream love and family, I don't know what else does. Lots of love and prayers coming your way...hope you feel them!

Mardee Rae said...

I agree with paige. and you know how I feel about your hair! But it just seems like rockin' the pink is less important than the judge's snap judgments being in your favor. Not that it's fair but it's not worth your family's stability to prove the point.

anonymous said...

I have the first mask. My hair is the second.

I'd go for a brown wig. Good luck. I'll be praying for you!!!


MaryAnn said...

Sometimes we have to "play the role" when it comes to matters of great importance.
Hope all goes well when you are at the hearing. Your precious children are deserving of nothing less than the best.

Melody said...

I've read your blog for years; you intrigue me because of your faith, your ability to be "you" despite what others may think and with the drama I have in my life with our "former spouses" (we have a new blended family)it inspires me to read. Be yourself, from the things I've read over the years, you're a good person, have a good family and now have a man that cares about you and your kiddos. I don't know you, but just be yourself....the wrong doings of your former spouse will be on display more than your hair color.

Good luck to you and let's hope the judge realizes some people shouldn't have been parents!


Melissa Roberts said...

grown up penguin costume!!! or my catwoman costume. hopefully the judge is a dude.

Lisa-Marie said...

Did you go yet? How did it go? What color hair did you have? Hope all went/will go well.

Alex said...

Um, I have a "1950s houswife" wig you could borrow. Think perfect jackie-o hair curled at ends with black head band and pearls. I agree with Paige and Mardee. Don't give the judge a reason to misjudge you.

Also, you're not middle aged. Not even close. Women live to be at least 85 these days. That means I'M not even middle aged, thank heaven. Paige, don't utter that phrase. It's toxic.

I love you Nor. Hope all goes well. Also, please send me the FB link when you go private. I'm bored with the internet too. I do four things online with my limited time...pay bills, check email, shop and read YOUR blog in large chunks. Only yours though. FB is killing me I'm so bored. I'm thinking of deleting.