
Nursing Avec Toddler

Dear This Person:

I understand and appreciate that you are trying your best to adjust to This Person:

But I need you to know that jumping into him on the couch and generally wreaking havoc while I am feeding him is starting to make me very angry.

When I tell you to stop being a destructo, please do not ignore me and give me This Face:

Or I will be very tempted to drop you off at This Person's:

(Pam wearing Ti Chi outfit, gift from the Olympians)

And furthermore, would it be too much trouble to speed up This Activity?:

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Thank you for your cooperation.

I think we all saw this day coming. I'm sure it's only a phase of crazy.

Much love,

Your Mother who may or may not have been reduced to allowing you to run around half-clothed, messy hair, eating cookies off the ground with a wet diaper today.


Celia Fae said...

Are you potty training already? You're asking for it. Wait until she is 2 1/2. That is my unsolicited advice.

Jude is cute. The end.

Celia Fae said...

Ooo, that was me, Ellie. Now I am going to comment on other people's blogs as Celia! Woohoo!

Lauren in GA said...

You look so fabulous :)

This was such a great post. What a clever way to send an open letter to the wonderful Mimi. I love that picture of her giving you, "This Face."

I have always said that God makes toddlers adorable so...we don't kill them.

Unknown said...

there are just so amazing! kids is always making world better place with their innocent smile!

be safe,


Sherine said...

Ar least 'this person' is really cute☻

Sally said...

What pasifik said. Excellent comment, very illuminating. I mean, kids is always making world better place. Always.

Have you perfected the foot block while nursing? It looks like this: you are sitting on the couch, nursing, watching Project Runway. Mimi leaves whatever activity you started her on so she would leave you alone, and instead starts to head your way. Lift up your foot and straighten out your leg in the direction of the toddler (before she gets to you). This is not kicking. It's blocking. Like you're a goalie. Good luck.

Tristan said...

Oh Mimi! It is a good thing we think our children are cute or they wouldn't live to see the age of 2!

Hollyween said...

Oh, that first little while is so hard. And you definitely should wait on the potty training thing. Ya know, unless you REALLY REALLY believe that she's ready.

I love Mimi's romper in that first pic.

Jenibelle said...

I need to comment on Gramma Pamma's
"Little Ray of Sunshine" outfit. Very nice.

Jude is really, really cute. Good luck keeping him safe.

(Babies DO survive older sibs and then they teach them how to be naughty. Just wanted to give you something to look forward to.)

Anonymous said...

sooooo remember those days. I pretended like I wanted to read a book to my toddler whenever it was time to nurse the baby. That worked. For a while...