
The Swimsuit Issue

Mimi has a rough life. Five months old and she has to go to Hawaii twice.

We were fortunate enough to get to spend the last week in Hawaii, far away from blogging abilities.

We ate shave ice and wore bikinis.

Dx didn't get to come, we missed him a lot. He had to work, boo.
You're a grand ol flag.
Crack kills
It was as much fun as it looked, and delicious!


Ellie said...

Please bring Mimi home so I can squeeze her cheeks.

Celia Fae said...

Yay, you are back. Which cheeks does Ellie want to squeeze? She can have the face, I want the butt.

Camille said...

i miss mimi too. not that there aren't enough babies in utah. but none of them are asian!