
Re: You being blog blocked

Note. When I took my blog entirely offline for a few months the notice read something to the effect of "You are not invited to read this blog." My friends read that as "you are locked out bc Nor secretly hates you and there are fun things happening that you are missing. Also she's writing mean stuff about you." Neither of these things were true and blogger needs to let me alter the "away" message. Nobody could read it.
I read too many horror stories about children and was trying to protect them from the big bad world. For now I'm just going to make sure they are infected with a highly deadly communicable disease that will only transmit to those who wish them ill or try to harm them. They are also microchipped and heavily armed. So stay away bad guys! Unclean unclean!
👆🏿unrelated last year's Christmas card.


Nicku B said...

Welcome back and I totally get this. I started blogging about my little baby and am terrified someone will come take him away because he's so darn adorable and perfect (i.e. a crazy baby stealing psycho), or because I actually admit to all my dumb dumb new mom mistakes (i.e. CPS)!

Joe Fortunato said...

You have the coolest family I know… ;-)

Jennie said...

So glad we aren't blocked! Can't wait to get caught up on all your fun, energy, and take on life.

Sarah Blue said...

I'm glad your blog is back in the public. I love reading the adventures of your family. :) Also, I didn't think you went private because you secretly hated anyone. I just figured I wasn't invited because you have so many real-life friends and when you go private blogger only lets you invite a certain number of people, so blog-stalkers that you haven't actually met in person (i.e. me) didn't make the final cut.