
August 2015

I was hot and uncomfortably pregnant in August so this smattering of pictures is the best I can provide.  
Three big kids and I went to Midway for a few days of relaxation.
I taught them to fish unsuccessfully, in the true Greenbaum way.
A picture with the frog bench was absolutely necessary.
We climbed to the very top of this weird hot springs crater and looked down into the eerie pool below.  Then we talked about how it would cost $15 each to go in the water but $8 to go see the Pixels movie they'd been dying to see.  They chose the movie.
Betty Lou's got dumps like a truck truck truck, thighs like what, what what.
Lacy invited us to Bear Lake and it was a marvelous day in the shallow water and warm sand.
Silas' booty and pose in this picture is to die for.  Looking back at summer pictures I realize I should have listened to Mimi when she shouted "I only have one bathing suit!"  Unacceptable in our family! 

Jim came to town and took us to Park City on the alpine coaster.
BL's main hobby is picking dandelions.  For the last few months she toddles around searching out dandelions and ripping them out of the ground.  Sometimes she tastes them.  I like that she's in the storage phase and so every one she picks she has to shuffle the others around to hold them.  I want to eat her up or bottle her so I can enjoy this phase forever.
Oh this little baby girl!  BL 11 months.  The hardest part about having babies is knowing that every day is fleeting and they just keep changing and growing.  It's torture.
We had a lot of visitors from CA in August, notably Pam, Jim and Ellie.  I'm so grateful to have so much family support and people willing to come hang out with us for a few days.  Pam took MJS to This Is The Place which is the ideal activity for grandparents to do with their grandchildren.  All of the children look so long limbed in this pic.

Long hot August over.

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