
Jude, age 6

Jude is very interested in manliness and doing man things.  Hush educated him recently about deodorant and then my soft silky skinned boy smelled just like my sweet smelling husband and I was in heaven.
Jude is sporty. This season he's been learning to throw a football and begged Hush to take him to the BYU game. Grandpa Jim came to town and the three of them went to watch that one guy break his leg and the team lose.  But Jude loved every second of it!
Kindergarten is going well for Cubby.  He makes friends easily and is very dedicated to his work. Jude is a deep thinker and has pretty good handwriting for a little boy. 
Jude loves his baby Bob.  He's very gentle with her and likes to take his turn snuggling.
Cub's a big helper. He's capable and when asked to do any chore he just does it quickly and runs off to play. 
Family hike in Lehi, enjoying the October colors.  I like Utah and it surprises me every day that I do.
Cub and his babe.

Jude started all day kindergarten at his new old school and he's doing great.  He walks to school with Mimi and Silas; they all start at the same time.  He sees all his pre-k buddies during recess and has transitioned to the new class easily.  Since the kids transfered schools mid-year I sent them with plants to butter up their teachers.  It's a lot of work integrating extra students.
Jude's costume choice was the impetus behind our Halloween group costume.  When your kid demands to be a gay icon you make it happen.  He's a motorcycle man with sweet tattoos, Mimi is a police woman, Silas is a sailor, BL is an indian, I'm a construction worker and Hush is a cowboy.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

"When your kid demands to be a gay icon, you make it happen." Favorite. So glad you're back. ❤️