
No Nap Day

Started the day with a water wall project for the boys. It was a success, though difficult to construct because I had to nail the bottles to the fence with a hammer.  Once we got it flowing they played with it for at least 20 minutes. Fun project, though!

Then we went to see Mimi perform at her school.  The show was patriotically themed and the first graders sang about 15 songs.  I was impressed by the pacing and the kid's knowledge of all the lyrics, even the third verse of the Halls of Montezuma song AND all Fifty Nifty United States.  She's going to know all the 4th of July songs forever!  Very happy with the school's mandatory performance programs.  The arts are not dead in schools.
Mimi practice "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" about a million times at home, each time at the root root root for part, "The GIANTS" and she would get so angry.  In the middle of the performance I couldn't resist and shouted "GIANTS" because stupid Utah doesn't have a home team anyway and they need to remember which team rules.
5 months pregnant, dreadlocks.

Next we hit Home Depot and bought plastic laminate and duct tape with the intentions of making the water blob thing you see all over Pinterest. 
It would have been a smashing success, but that the weight of the water taught me that we live on a slight incline.  The damn thing rolled half way down the hill.

And then it popped.  It was fun while it lasted, but do yourself a favor and don't bother trying that one at home.

Apparently one can get a lot done when one doesn't take a two hour nap.  I shall not repeat that error. Less is more.


Rebekah Cummings said...

Why does all this fun stuff happen when I'm at work! Love the water wall and the blob even if the second one only halfway worked. I remember we live on an inline when I run west to east on our street. So much harder than east to west.

Lauren in GA said...

Sorry about your water blob thing rolling away...

and I'm sorry that for some reason it made me laugh a little...

I'm a lousy friend...I just kind of giggled imagining the screaming and chasing...