
This is America. ‘Course I’m Free.

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We spent the fourth in Dville at the annual cutthroat family baseball game.  It was stinking hot. 

Silas (age 3) had his first real by himself ups. 


We also celebrated Jude’s 5th birthday on the 4th.  His real birthday is in August but we won’t have our friends and family around so we celebrated early as a double header.  He thought the parade, party and baseball game were all in honor of him.  I pre-bought all of his presents, wrapped them, then handed them out to everybody at the party to give to him.  He marched around the backyard collecting his gifts excitedly.  It was a party success!

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The party and game were fun, but my highlight came at 10:30 at night.

After baseball my friend J was kind enough to take Mimi to see the fireworks.  Upon arrival home at about 10:30 she crawled into snuggle me and bed and I started singing to her:

“She’s a good girl, loves her mama

Loves Jesus and America, too.

She’s a good girl, crazy about Elvis

Loves horses and her [sic] brothers too.”


Mimi stops me and says, “Mama, that’s not a real song.  You just made that up about me and the things I like.”


She wasn’t convinced it was actually a song until I played it for her.  After she heard it she said, “All right, it’s a song.  But Brown Eyed Girl is about me.”


1 comment:

laurel said...

Sweetest thing ever