
Bow Down, April Fools

While I admire Paige's attempts to nail me on April Fool's Day, I must admit that I am the best practical joke player in the whole wide world.
Here are some guidelines for successful pranking:
1) Pick your target. I ALWAYS pick Jim, my dad. Every year he knows I'm going to get him, but every year he falls hard for whatever my husband and I dream up. Pick someone smart. They think they can't be fooled.
The sitting Duck. Middle, green shirt.

2) Plan ahead. I plan months in advance.

3) Have accomplices. Relatives are good, but officials in offices are better.

4) Center your prank on something about which the person cares a LOT. They have to be a mildly obsessive person.

5) Create diversions. Make sure something really exciting happens on March 31.

6) Distance yourself. Yes, you may not be there to see that look on their face. But if you're not in the room smirking, it takes them longer to trace it back to you.

Here's a history.

Year 1: Case of the Missing Missionary

Joke played on Jim. Jim was obsessing over Phil who had recently entered the MTC. Phil, being the first and only of us to serve a mission, was the golden boy and he was all dad ever talked about. It bugged everybody, so we decided to make his worst fears realities. Or so he thought.

First, I used my detective skills to figure out where he'd be at this time. He was in Georgia visiting Ellie. Thus unable to answer a home phone call.

Initially, we wanted to use a Male voice with knowledge of MTC lingo to call Jim's home phone. That person flaked. We had a back-up plan.

Called Val, told her to call dad's cellphone and leave a message saying that she checked (and oops! erased) a message on the home phone and it was some guy from the MTC saying that Phil had left the MTC and was enroute escaping to Los Angeles.

When Dad got the message, it was late at night in Georgia. He proceeded to call the MTC asking about the "missing Missionary." The people at the MTC checked his bed, and confirmed that Phil had not escaped.
The victim. Clearly paying attention to my baby. He's very important, you know.

Year 2: If it Sounds Too Good to Be True . . .

Joke played on Jim. Less success with this one because I was in Europe.
Jim was obsessed with selling his house in Hawaii.
I created a false email address under his Real Estate Broker's name and emailed him a pretend offer on his Hawaii house for double his asking price.
He says he didn't fall for it, but I kinda copped out and gave up the joke because I was afraid he'd call the guy and embarrass himself.

Year 3: Twins
Joke played again on Jim.

Jim has an identical twin named Jay. They are opposites and bitter rivals. His twin is a bachelor, Jim is a family guy, but that is only the beginning.

This year, we had Jay call dad asking him to process the offer on a house down the street, he had faxed it to Kinkos and would Jim please go pick it up and take it to the realtor? They were going to be neighbors and in the same ward.
Jim freaked out.

Jay, behind Camille. He's not getting up because it's his turn. He's getting up because he refuses to play charades.

THIS YEAR: The Court Case

Joke again played on Jim, of course.

Jim is an attorney. Attorneys are registered with the State Bar. The State Bar facilitates complaints from clients about attorneys, but you have to do something really bad and negligent to get in trouble with them.

Poor Jim. Yesterday he got a letter in the mail saying that the CA State Bar had received a complaint and that the matter was currently under review by the board. My poor dad was nearly disbarred yesterday. By Me.

Yes, family, I am the reigning champion. I will give an honorable mention to Jeff who instigated the blog pranking you saw yesterday.


Celia Fae said...

I concede. You truly are the Queen because those pranks are legendary. I don't know how you are going to top yourself. Pretend cancer? Get divorced?

Ellie said...

It's true. Those were all good. Don't you have any pix of dad with his eyes OPEN? Wait, maybe it's a metaphor for his life.

laurel said...

Wow, you are good.

AnnEE said...

You are mean.

But funny.


Paige said...

I bow down.

Linsey said...

Impressive, really impressive.

Jenibelle said...

I think I'm afraid of you. If I had played a joke like that on my husband when he was practicing Dentistry....I'd be single without my kids. Lonely, cold and living on the streets.

Tristan said...

Good stuff! It is funny to me that he would fall for your pranks year after year!

Lauren in GA said...

Bowing....can barely type because I am bowing...

I can't believe you let the poor guy call the MTC...

Jake said...

These are brilliant! I agree with Celia...how will you ever top yourself?!

Hazen5 said...

You are a sneaky little devil...and I like it!

Anonymous said...

Ok-you don't know me, but I secretly stalk your blog a little bit because it is freaking hilarious. My husband was MTC comps with Pat so I got to your blog through Alex...wow, that makes me sound super pathetic. Anyway, in the spirit of pranks my Dad is the reigning champion in our family. One year he told us he lost his job and we could only afford to eat one meal a day so we had to vote on breakfast or dinner. My sister was crying and my brother was insisting he could not surivive at football practice in the mornings without a hearty breakfast. We love contentions pranks. :) Anyway, fun to read about your pranks...maybe it will inspire me to come up with something great to catch my Dad off guard next year.

Sally said...

Loved this foolish tutorial. Thanks for the inside scoop.