
Dx vs. The Kitchen Sink

My husband Dx likes ice cream. He really, really likes ice cream. If he could live exclusively on ice cream, he would.
At our local Creamery, there is a ice cream dish called "The Kitchen Sink." 8 softball size scoops of your choice are loaded up with 8 toppings of your choice, along with 3 bananas, heaps of whipped cream, nuts and cherries.
The Kitchen Sink is intended for groups of six or more.
However, the Creamery offers free ice cream for a year for the gluttons who finish this dish by themselves AND beat the standing record: 1 hour, 19 minutes.
One of Dx's best and worst qualities is persistence. The man NEVER gives up on something he's decided to try, especially if other people know he's making an attempt.
And thus, the Kitchen Sink.

When the waiter brought out the ice cream, a hush fell over the restaurant. It's an indecent amount of ice cream for one person to even think about consuming; it should be accompanied by a song ala Ziggy Piggy from Bill and Ted's. The rules allow one five minute bathroom break, and whatever happens in the bathroom is your own problem.
He started out at a good pace, but as we hit the 30 minute mark the spoon slowed dramatically. He kept saying, "I've hit a wall. I need to go to the bathroom."
After five minutes, I went in to the bathroom after him. He emerged, bloodshot eyes and a crazy look upon his face.
When Dx sat back down, I could tell the contest was as good as done. Our friend Glen encourged Dx to stop eating, but I used every tactic I could to get him to pick up the spoon again. I had 10$ riding on this! When I saw him scoping out garbage cans, I allowed him to throw in the ice cream soaked towel.
This is what he looked like minutes before he gave up.

He probably got about 1/3 of the way through what must have been three gallons or more of ice cream. Dx was sick for the rest of the night and much of the following day. However, late Saturday night, Dx looked me in the eye and said, "I think I could have finished it if I hadn't eaten lunch."
True to form, I think he may eventually try to eat the Kitchen Sink again someday. But in the meantime, the mere mention of a sundae makes him dry heave.

Below are pictures of Mimi at rehearsal for mom's play 'Guys and Dolls' at the Village Theater.
She is 8 months and, though never having climbed stairs before, undertook the challenge because they lead her onto the stage. A Star is Born, my friends.


Jessica said...

Ryan knew immediately upon seeing The Kitchen Sink where you were eating...having grown up in Haytown, he has fond memories of the Creamery. Maybe for our Blogapalooza, we should meet there and eat one. Each.

D-dawg said...

WOW! That makes me sick just thinking about it. That is so much ice cream. How many people have ever really finished the whole thing? That is crazy!

Hazen5 said...

So did he ever throw-up? He looks like he is about to in the Pix. Good use of the camera!

Unknown said...

My pure no-sugar body just wants to vomit looking at that ice cream.

Caroline C. Bingham said...

Holy cow, that's a lot of ice cream... Plus, I love your baby girl's fat little knees! She's highly squishable. . .

Erin said...

that's obscene.

Hollyween said...

Oh. My stomach turned seeing him. Just attempting it is probably going to make him lactose intolerant. Let us know if he tries again.

Your baby's cute behind. Soooo squishy. It makes me want to pick her up and squeeze her.

Penny said...

He had such a look of determination in his eyes in the first picture. And such a look of disgust in the second. Hats off to him for trying, let us know when he tries again!

Note to self: Never try to eat something called "the kitchen sink".

Audry said...

That is A LOT of ice cream. I don't think I could make a dent in something that big. Yeah I'm with Denae how many people have finished the whole thing?

Lisa-Marie said...

The bum picture is priceless. Those cheeks are made for squishin! CUTE!

And Yuck to the Kitchen Sink. Why the name? I don't get it. Maybe, cause that's where a majority of it ends up?

Becky said...

I can't believe Dax attempted the kitchen sink. I wish I had been there to witness! Looks like Mimi might have had some ice-cream herself.:) Little cutie!

Paige said...

I'm concerned that Dx's stomach will end up looking like Mimi's adorable thighs.

Ellie said...

.....need to chew... on mimi's legs......Ahhhhh.

Alex said...

I retain very few memories from childhood b/c my brain is broken but I do have one that remains in perfect living color and detail...

It's of my friend Sean at Farrel's (do you have them up north?) going up to receive his prize for eating their version of the kitchen sink, and the restaurant manager and everyone is singing, alarms are going off and there's confetti in the air, everyone in the whole place is cheering and clapping. Then he vomits all over everything, and I mean everything. There was like a six by ten foot mess of vomitous debree, and it was all over him too, down his shirt and everything. That was more fluid then I have ever seen come out of a human ever. Even after giving birth. Your post made it all come flooding back. Thanks Dx!

Alex said...

Mimi is so cute! Look at her cute little rollies! Fuzz is trying hard to catch up to "his lady"! He's got the wrist rolls now! I LOVE CHUB!!!

Unknown said...

oh, my, that's hilarious. I love the look on his face. I would never even attempt to think about accomplishing such a task. 3 bananas ALONE sounds intimidating!

Anonymous said...

very nice segue: Dx's ice cream, Mimi's thighs... I really want to squish them, I may need to hunt you down. She is too cute.