I've been conducting a survey.
What is the ideal age gap between children? How many children should I have, HF willing?
Here are your options:
18 months
2 years
2 1/2 years
3 years
5 years
Celia is three years older than Paige. They hated each other growing up.
Paige and Nate are about two years apart. They never got along, ever.
Nate and Ellie are 3+ years apart. They're buddies.
Ellie and I are 2 1/2 years apart. She only barely tolerates me now.
I am 2 1/2 years older than Val. We lived together alright, but now don't hang out much.
Val is 2 years older than Phil. They get along famously.
Phil is five years older than Cam. They get along fine.
I am 26 I have one kid and have about 14 years left to have kids. What's my game plan?
Mimi and Dad, chatting.

Unwilling sharing of ice cream cone.
This picture is dedicated to Alex's husband who maybe missed this day of school?

Average failure rate: 27%
Did you look up that failure rate? It seems too low.
The answer to your question is...nobody knows. I say just keep going for it. Fourteen years equals about seven more kids. You're going to have to move. And maybe invest in some supp hose.
I honestly think having the first two really close is a good move. It's ridiculously hard for a year and then you never have to talk to them again because they play like crazy. But that's just mine. I think boy/girl combos work better when they are close, so take that up with HF.
I've been told that children under 3 years old get extremely jealous of the baby. However, I think this really depends on their personality in general. What's nice about having a bigger gap is that the older one is already potty trained so you don't have two in diapers! But I agree that when they are closer in age they will play well with eachother.
27% seems low to me too.
i am 17 mos older than my sister and having her appear when i was too young to understand what was going on ruined my life a little bit. no, seriously! i'm just getting to this now after 19 years of therapy. we also hated each other until we were teenagers.
I forgot to mention how great these pictures are. The one of Dax and Mimi on the beach should be framed. Is this Monterey?
I like the ice cream cone one the best. It is classic Dax. I think you should just get cracking. Who cares about spacing. Any plan gets screwed up anyway.
Here's my plan: have another kid. If that seems to be working out, have another one. Still enjoying family life? Have another. Rinse and repeat as neccessary until you don't want to have another. Or your husband forbids it (which is where I am right now).
At some point you will need to live next door to either Paige or Celia so their kids can help take care of your kids. Especially if you have a buncha kids, you can't underestimate the beauty of nice older cousins. Picture Sol in 5 years, when Mimi is about 6. Sol will be an awesome babysitter and it's all about the babysitters.
My combo seemed to work out great! 18 Mo. for my Boy/girl combo. I agree that B/G combos are great when they are close in age. My oldest Son takes his role as big brother very seriously! And my daughter loves his protection. Kind of hard in the beginning with two babies, but worth it later. They always have a playmate. I had the next child 4 1/2 years later. Liked that space as well, the older ones really help out. And she was able to stay the baby a long time. And I think I am done. I do like 3 kids. I have very manageable caos.
Cute baby.
I say three years. But who cares, the pictures are cute, so is Mimi, but Dax's white glasses are hideous.
Just start having them until you can't stand it anymore.
I agree with Ellie... plans rarely work. BUT my first 2 are 17 months apart and the bestest of friends. I think it depends more the parents and the children if they will get along, not spacing. But good luck figuring it out! It is fun to try to plan your family.
Hey - you said you would link me if I made a comment. :)
Having only one child who is 4 1/2, I've wished that he had a sibling especially now cause he's quite social and would love to have a playmate. On the flip side I've enjoyed having a lot of one-on-one time with him. And with his next sibling he'll be a huge help.
There is no secret age gap, because I believe siblings are close due to their personalities rather then their age difference. But for my sanity I new I couldn't handle 2 under the age of 1. Mine are three years apart and then two and a half years and I love that age gap.
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