
Bad Influence Aunt

Mimi, Age 1 month, Hawaii. First bikini. Both chubby.

I began wearing bikinis in high school when I realized that A. they were much cuter. B. they do not give you wedgies. C. it's easier to find your size in bikinis. I reason, if this is my only rebellion then I'm doing pretty well. I think babies look adorable in two pieces and do not find them to be sexualizing children any more so than do mini skirts or high heels. My baby only wears bikinis. I used to look alright in bikinis. Then I got pregnant. Now I don't look so good, but I inflict my bikini body on others nonetheless. Here's me now:

Just kidding, that's pregnant Britney. Gotcha! You think I'd post a bikini shot of myself? No way! Well, probably no way. I'm working on developing some shame.

Most LDS parents do not allow bikinis because they are immodest. When I wear a bikini around Paige's girls, they are very interested and jealous. Paige explained to the girls that bikinis are immodest (funny, considering the girl's tendency to tear off their clothes in public) and I told them that if you dress immodestly, you have to talk to the bishop.

This did not damper their curiosity about bikinis. Fifi even went so far as to borrow an old beat-up bikini from her friend, but Charlotte found them far too immodest.

When they visited my house a few weeks ago, the girls had to fashion swim wear out of mine and Mimi's bikinis.

I finally bought the girls their very own bikinis. Fifi and CeCe were ecstatic.

They are allowed to wear them at home.

Here is Mimi in her pink hat. She's 7 months.

Mimi and Isabella, her new best friend. Cool stroller, eh? Izzy is 6 months and I tell everybody they're twins.

Learning to crawl.
Miranda at her first Shakespeare performance. We saw A Midsummer Night's Dream in SF in the Presidio. It was cold. We are Shakespeare snobs. We left. But it counts!
Mimi at my favorite restaurant: the San Francisco Creamery in Walnut Creek. She has develop a love for cones and it buys me just enough time to wolf down the biggest dish of ice cream you ever did see. We bring her new high chair, as it is portable. That thing is worth it's weight in gold.


Anonymous said...

um, you DID post a bikini shot of yourself, that first one...oh, wait, are you NAKED??? No, I see a pink string there. What a precious baby girl you have.

Rynna said...

I support the wearing of bikinis, especially among very little girls. They are cute (cute!) and there is no modesty under 6 or 7 years old.

Also which, please find me a modest bathing suit for my 36DD situation. The midriff is the least of anyone's concerns.

Hazen5 said...

Bad influence Aunt? I'd call you "Cool Aunt"! The twins look so thrilled to be wearing their immodest suits. Look what you started!

Jessica said...

That ice cream will look good on your bikini body (and Mimi).

Sally said...

I love the pictures. And I have stroller envy.

Paige said...

Cute, cute, and cute. I told my girls they can wear the bikinis anytime they want... if they wear leotards under them.

Celia Fae said...

I'm sold on the bikinis. You convinced me. Now, if I could only find one that would find my giant a**, I'd be in business. Do you think they have one in a dark purple that matches my stretch marks?

Anonymous said...

i think i realize something: it's OK for little girls to wear bikinis because of that fact: they're young and cute and innocent, BUT bikinis are OK for women too because they're 'mature',.. so basically I realized that Bikinis are just OK - right?

Apparel said...

Cute, cute, and cute. I told my girls they can wear the bikinis anytime they want... if they wear leotards under them.