
Not the Smartest Person in the Room

Am I the only person who thinks the Kate Kelly situation has been handled appropriately?  I have feelings and I have a forum. So here we go.

What happens when you belong to an organization that by belonging to it asserts your tendency toward belief that it is led by God, and then you have the audacity to not only assert your disbelief in it's divine leadership but also encourage and rally others into disbelief in an organized and public fashion?
You, my friend, have started a faction.  Kate Kelly's mission to ordain women indicates that she does not believe in the fundamental tenants of the religion: that it is led by God. And if God says that men hold the priesthood, then that is what happens.  As an LDS feminist I think calling Kate Kelly a "women's rights activist" is outrageous.  The "right" she is arguing for is irrelevant; she could be lobbying for lowering the age to get a temple recommend or demanding that we all wear green on Thursdays and it would still be attempting to assert her personal revelation above the channels that are in place in this organization.
There is plenty of room for doubt.  One might even oppose.  But to organize a contrary group within the LDS religion is essentially saying, "I don't support this and I don't think God knows what He's doing."  Even I, with my confusion about gay issues in the gospel, know enough to be aware that I don't know everything.  If Kate Kelly loves this religion so much why fight against it's organization? Why skip a meeting called specifically to engage with you about your beliefs?  It seems as though Kate's own agenda is far more important to her than her membership in the LDS church.  And with that said, why not just quit?  Or go start your own church where people can make up the rules as they go along?  What type of person is she that she would feel the need to set herself up as the posterchild of supposed "oppression"?  

The Mormon Moment may be over, and to that I say good.  It's not a religion for the feignt of heart and we have lived through decades of bad press.  We can handle it and we don't attempt to explain why God does what He does.  The church doesn't excommunicate as punishment, they do it to relieve the individual of their responsibilities and free them from the promises they've made but are choosing not to keep.  And of course, if Kate Kelly decides that she both believes in and supports the organization of the religion, she can try again. And again. And again. And we, even I, would have to accept her back into our congregation and forget her disobedient past.
One has to wonder what sort of experiences or mental state one would have to be in to essentially say "I'm smarter than the leaders of this church and God is making a huge mistake by not doing what I think is the right thing to do."
Ugh, the whole thing just smacks of pride and disrespect.  You want to lead? Go find people who need your leadership.  I'm cool with those ordained dudes who speak to God and I'm smart enough to know I'm not the smartest person in the room.

Instagram Reblog Week 2

Life must be documented! Instagrams from June 2014.

How's that Baby Cooking?

So I think I'm about 7 months pregnant with this little baby number 4.  We are in Danville visiting my parents.  Pam is taking care of me and my kids, thus cutting my workload in half. Hush and I were supposed to be galavanting through Europe right now but we had to postpone our trip because I can't walk. Also he has something called a job that he can't ditch right now.  We all miss him terribly but he's coming out here soon.  In the meantime he is enjoying some much needed man time.
The children and I are playing and waiting for our new little sister.  I've never had a baby when my other children were old enough to understand vaguely what was happening and being pregnant with three children has been a totally different experience.
First of all, I travel in a cloud.  A fog of children.  Wherever I go, every way I turn, I nearly trip over somebody short.  So many little feet! So many arms!  With my expanding size I feel very claustrophobic most of the time.  It's good and bad because when we're out I know that if I can feel them touching me or if I stumble over them they are safe.  
My belly is a magnet for them and I love it.  I'm currently experiencing that amazing heaviness below my belly button and sometimes I hold it up with my hands when I'm having a hard time walking.  The children are attune to when I'm struggling and they often try to help carry the baby for me.  "I hold the baby mama.  I help you"  they say as they push up on my tummy. 
Silas has even taken the time to grow a sympathy belly.  I can see why they want to touch my tummy all the time -- I want to touch their chubby tummies too!

As far as symptoms, my favorite inflammation of the pelvis joint that had receded somewhat has returned with a vengeance.  Maybe it's in honor of the World Cup, my soccer player kicked crotch.  I have to lay down for every hour that I'm up, 1:1.  When I'm laying down this little wiggly baby likes to flip around, even laying transverse for a whole day.  That was uncomfortable.  Also I pretty much can't walk.  C'mon body.  You're better than this.

I had problems with Silas rolling the wrong way every day to the point where my md had to do a version (baby rolling at the doctor's office or hospital).  I'm usually able to roll them inside the womb and I can identify fairly well how they're laying by where they kick.  For the last few days this baby has been giving my intestines an internal massage, which means she's currently breech.  Being 29 weeks I should have enough time to flip her around, but of course I have all these umbilical cord phobias.  
Physically uncomfortable though I am, I have little Si who just cannot give the baby enough love.  He snuggles my tummy and lays on it and talks to the baby and kisses it.  The other kids love to touch me and kiss me, but Silas is particularly funny because when he talks to me he puts one hand on either side of my belly like he's holding my face in his hands.  Lots of kisses and pats.  He thinks it's his own personal pillow, which tight and firm as my belly has gotten can be awkward.  
Sneezing is a no. Rolling over, boo.  Moving quickly is a thing of the past.  I think I'll spend the next few months bobbing up and down in the pool.
Or maybe I'll just invest in this: 


The Three Cousins of 2014

After a month of just dying because I couldn't be there for the births and earliest days of these two little babies' lives I finally got to meet the newest little cousins!
Aubrey and Phil had baby Penelope May 20 and Ellie and Mark had baby Abraham June 3.  Being away for baby births makes me incredibly homesick.
Thankfully they are both still tiny.
Baberaham, 2 weeks. 
Penny, 1 month.
Silas having some Baby Abe time.
Pam and Abe.  He looks like Jude and Fiona to me, but mostly like his dad.  Tons of black hair.
And then I got to experience baby heaven while 7 months pregnant with my new baby.  These two are going to be Baby B's lifetime pals.  So grateful to have cousins!  They're going to need a team name.  Flopsy Mopsy and Cottontail?  

Capitola and Johnny Cash

Family Beach Day, June 2014.
Three cars, 20 people.  Ellie at home with newborn Abe.
Same size cousins Otto 3, Sylvie 5, Jude 5 almost 6.
Mimi 7, Alice 7 (Alice is three months older and is a mini human.)
Surfing with Auntie Camille. Also Griffin and Sol.

Here's my review of the beach:
The beach is best accomplished the way we used to do it in Hawaii.  Once upon a time my dad had a huge house on Tunnel's Beach, North Shore of Kauai.  We would walk a few yards to the beach and then go back when we were hungry or needed the bathroom.  No long drives, no parking, no hauling all your crap from the car and then twice as much crap on the way back bc kids who helped initially are too wet and cranky.  I love watching the kids play in the waves, but it's just so much better when you don't have to commit on the basis of an hour and a half drive.  And there are so many mitigating factors: the wind, the tide, hunger, bathrooms, weather.  The beach is hard.

My highlight was actually the drive home.  Mimi and Pam were sitting together and Mimi was controlling the music.  She put on Johnny Cash song after song because he is her current favorite.  She and Pam sang along until Mimi turned to Grandma and asked, "How do YOU know these songs?!"   Pam replied, "My dad used to play them on our record player when I was a child! Johnny Cash is dead and he was older than I am!" Mimi thinks Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson and Katy Perry are all contemporaries.